
Welcome to
Schutzhund Trials Online
This site is the place for Schutzhund Trials.  Whether you will be administering an event or competing, you will find all the tools you need here.
Check out past show results or enter your dogs in an upcoming event.

HyperLink Sign up today!
Are you hosting an event?
Do you want to be able to -

-advertise your event?
-have competitors enter online?
-accept PayPal?
-enter and share your results?
-print catalog pages?
Want to see how it works?  We have created special demo accounts for you to work with. 
© Copyright Schutzhund Trials Online
Upcoming Events
Here is a list of  upcoming events.

Use the calendar or other search options to display a list of German Shepherd  conformation shows and Breed Surveys.
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© Copyright SchutzhundTrialsOnline by Laurie K. Tollifson